Green-winged Teal by Dave Hutton

Green-winged Teal by Max Silverman
The arrival of the fishermen must have flushed off the Black-tailed Godwit that circled the reservoir just after 7am and the calm conditions meant that all 4 Great-northern Divers could be seen together between the inlet and outlet while the Red-necked Grebe eventually got fed up of being disturbed by the fishing boats off farborough spit becoming a distant speck in toft bay for awhile. Single House Martin was the only new migrant seen with Swallow increasing to 5, a few Sand Martins heading north and yesterdays male Wheatear showed well on farborough bank perimeter wall before too much disturbance made it more elusive.
A 90 minute search from the country park produced 11 Buzzards in the air at once, 3 Curlew flying down the Leam valley and a single Treecreeper. Also around reservoir were 8 male and 4 female Shoveler, 22 Wigeon, 10 Teal, 4 Goldeneye, 3 Blackcap, 10 Chiffchaff, Green Woodpecker and 2 Great-spotted Woodpecker. Butterflies seen were 2 Brimstone and a Comma in the country park and moths found on the café was Draycote’s first Tawny Pinion high on the east wall and Dotted Border.
This afternoon I continued the migration theme at Napton on the Hill with 6 Chiffchaff, my first Willow Warbler of the year, 7 Swallow and a brief back-end view of a Black Redstart as it flew across the quarry and out of sight. Also Coal Tit, Mistle Thrush and 4 Buzzards seen plus 2 Brimstones and Peacock butterfly.
Many thanks to all those who been kind enough to share there photos - very much appreciated. I have added Bob Duckhouse excellent shots to yesterdays blog