Weather wise it’s been a lovely day but disappointing on the migration front with nothing new at the pond today despite what was happening nationally though there was a light passage of hirundines, Skylark and Buzzard.
At least 5 Little Gulls present on our arrival among the 500+ Black-headed Gulls with 3 first summer and 2 adult summer birds along with yesterdays near adult Med Gull seen off farborough bank and though distant out in the centre by the time Alan and Francoise passed me mid-morning the Med was in toft bay and showing well.
Yellow Wagtails were thin on the ground in the morning but by early afternoon had increased to 12 birds and the male Wheatear still present.

Yellow Wagtail by Bob Hazell
House Martins have been around for a couple of days as passage birds so pleased when one of our local birds returned and was inspecting last years nest site while I was chatting to the Bob’s. With 3 Brambling in the country park and some still on the north bank its good to see they have now spent 5 months with us and the only other birds of note were Little Ringed Plover, Raven, 6 Wigeon, 5 Teal, 10 Gadwall, male Shoveler and 3 Sparrowhawk plus many local Buzzards with at least another 10 seen high heading north.

Brambling by Bob Hazell
Butterflies have been brilliant today with 2 Comma, Common Blue, 7 Peacock, Red Admiral, 5 Small Tortoiseshell, 9 Brimstone, 3 Orange-tip, 2 Small White at the pond along with an Early Thorn moth found by the Bob’s and Common Blue, 2 Peacock, Red Admiral and Orange-tip in my garden. Animals at the pond were 3 Hare and 2 Stoat and Francoise had a Grass Snake in the country park.
Back home the Buzzard migration continued with 6 more over the garden – all singles, high up and heading north or north east. Also over were 2 Fieldfare and a Yellow Wagatil while my Yellow-necked Mouse made its second appearance of the year.
Napton Reservoir this evening was warm and pleasant with early evening moths coming out including March Moth, Chestnut and Diurnea fagella. Birds seen were Yellow Wagtail, 2 Raven, Snipe, 2 Green Woodpecker, 4 Bullfinch and Tawny Owl heard while waiting for the sky's to darken. Both Common Pipistrelle and Noctule Bat seen.
A bit early for most people but if you are up and about between 05:19 and 05:29 tomorrow morning the “space shed” is coming in from the west over Haverfordwest, Stroud, Oxford and continuing east towards Holland, Belgium and Germany. With only 20% cloud cover predicted it could be an excellent pass and Saturn with its rings on show is also worth a stare.