Saturday 7 February 2009

February 7th 2009

It went down to -8 in the valley overnight and was still -4 when I left the house. Extremely cold and icy in places making for some dodgy cycling skills – I need stabilizers. Barn Owl and Little Owl near Sawbridge and a female Merlin near Woodbine Farm before working the valley between the Whitehall, Laural and Foxely Farm. Hard work underfoot and passerine numbers down considerably which is not surprising considering the weather and there was a large movement of Redwing and Fieldfare mid-morning. Another good flyover was Waxwing calling and heading south east. Sparrowhawk were very noticeable with 3 seen probably indicating how thin on the ground there food supply is with best of the smaller birds being single Corn Bunting, 5 Reed Bunting 2 Willow and Marsh Tit near Foxely Farm. The pale Buzzard with a rusty coloured head first seen yesterday still around and looked impressive against the snow. Also seen were Cormorant and female Goosander flying east towards Northamptonshire and did a careful check of the numerous gulls looking for any white wingers but mostly Common Gulls.


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