The crescent moon and Jupiter were just visible amongst the broken cloud as I arrived on Lawford Heath hoping for an owl and wasn’t disappointed. The first was a Tawny perched in the over hanging canopy on ling lane at 6am followed by a distant view of a Barn Owl going over the western end of the tip at 6:40am.
As day break arrived there were plenty of gulls arriving from there roost at Draycote Water with 2 adult and a first winter Yellow-legged Gull found once the light had improved plus good numbers of Common Gull amongst the many hundreds of Lesser Black-backed and Black-headed Gull present..
The wind was a light south east before freshening so hunkered down for a migration watch and in 2 hours recorded
Skylark 89 majority going south east in small groups
Woodpigeon 330 including local birds
Goosander female heading for Draycote Water
Teal 2 west
Greenfinch 21
Golden Plover 46 very high heading north west
Fieldfare 120
Redwing 12
Starling 234 including local birds
Meadow Pipit 12
Chaffinch 27
Merlin 1 went through 9:15 heading west and made no attempt to hunt
Siskin 5 south
Local birds included Tree Sparrow, 2 Red-legged Partridge, Corn Bunting, 25 Skylark, 9 Yellowhammer, 6 Reed Bunting, 12 Linnet, 11 Pied Wagtail, Treecreeper, 4 Buzzard, 2 Raven and 3 Sparrowhawk plus 4 Golden Plover in stubble field along with 60+ Chaffinch.
A “I think I have a phalarope” call had me dashing to the pond early afternoon – wont embarrass the finder as the plastic bottle was still bobbing up and down when I arrived but at least he was observant and more than pleased with the ringtail Hen Harrier that flew over toft farm and down the valley. Not much else to report as I did not stay long, 3 Dunlin, Ringed Plover 6 Reed Bunting and Siskin.