Friday, 2 May 2008

May 1st 2008

Blustery with occasional rain showers at Draycote Water this morning becoming brighter and warmer by mid-afternoon. A minimum count of 3000 Swifts on arrival with a few Swallows and the 20+ resident House Martins but by afternoon most had gone higher to feed while 4 Common Tern and one Black tern increased to Common Tern 7, Artic Tern 2 and Black Tern 2 after a down pour. Whitethroats and Garden Warbler have increased to six, Blackcaps seem to be having a record year, while other warblers present were Willow, Chiffchaff, Sedge 3 and Lesser Whitethoat 2. Also present were Green Woodpecker, Buzzard 3, Yellow Wagtail 2, two Dunlin in the field behind farborough spit, Lesser Black-backed Gull 10+, Greater Black-backed Gull, two Teal and at least two Hobby's following each other south over country park with a possible third or one of these two attacking Swifts earlier.
On the way home called in Cock Robin Woods with Garden Warbler, Blackcap 4, Chiffchaff 2, Willow Warbler 2, Treecreeper, Goldfinch and Orange-tip.
Over garden late afternoon were Swift 4, House Martin 2 and Sparrowhawk while a pair of House Sparrow called in briefly.
Dave had a spare 90 minutes after our meal this evening so took a ride around the valley and had 10 Wheatear, 2 Yellow Wagtail, White wagtail, 20 Pied Wagtails on the partially flooded turf field between Willoughby and Sawbridge. This is the largest count I have ever had in the valley and must have been the result of yesterday's heavy rain, also Stock dove 10 in hill Rd.


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