A three hour watch from rainbow corner produced the only visible overnight migration with a bedraggled Osprey at 7:30 am enjoyed by the early teal searchers and 200 Sand Martin, 50 Swallow and 10 House Martin over the sailing club. There were plenty of gulls at first light loafing around with 200 Lesser, Black-back and 2 Greater Black-backed Gulls. With two Great-northern Divers still present the rest of the day was quiet until 12 Yellow Wagtail appeared at 3pm on toft bank and small groups of House Martin and Swallow went through.
Also worth noting were 2 Jay, Corn Bunting, 3 Buzzard, 5 male Shoveler, Sparrowhawk 11 Gadwall, 4 Teal and in toft shallows 71 Great-crested Grebe counted in the afternoon.
Chiffchaffs have returned to my estate along with more Blackcaps than usual but Willow Warblers are still thin on the ground and had my first Swallow over the garden at 5pm
Great-northern Diver off hensborough bank 07:30am
For me this aint a bad shot considering I was not wearing me glasses
Bewarned its Easter so everyman and his umbrella could be at the pond so go early or late.
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