A pleasant day bashing the pond and the valley
BirdsSpotted Flycatcher: biggen bay Draycote Water
Common Tern: 2 Draycote Water
Sedge Warbler: 3 Draycote Water
Grey Wagtail: Draycote Water 2 and one at Grandborough
Yellow Wagtail: family party at Draycote Water, one at Grandborough Fields and 2 at Napton Reservoir
Grasshopper Warbler: one seen between Woolscott and Sawbridge
Cuckoo: one found dead near Willoughby
Buzzard: Draycote Water 2, Hill Rd 4, Sawbridge 2, Napton Reservoir 3
Cetties Warbler: Napton Reservoir
Also Jay, 2 Sparrowhawk, 8 Stock Dove, 6 Whitethroat, 2 Garden Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Willow Warbler and Red-legged Partridge seen on me travels
DragonfliesCommon Blue Damselfly, Blue-tailed Damselfly and Large Red Damselfly at Napton Reservoir
Common Blue, Blue-tailed, White-legged Damselfly and Banded Demoiselle at Stockton Cutting
Broad-bodied Chaser at Calcutt
Banded Demoiselle at Millholme Bridge A426
ButterfliesPainted Lady, Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Wood, Ringlet, Meadow Brown, Large White, Red Admiral and Common Blue
AnimalsGrey Squirrel, Fox, Hare, Rabbit
ReptilesGrass Snake swimming across Napton Reservoir
MothsDay flying moths or those disturbed at various locations were Chimney Sweeper, Silver-ground Carpet, Barred Yellow, Burnet Companion, Mother Shipton, Straw Dot, Silver Y, Light Brown Apple Moth, Garden Grass veneer, Lozotaenia fosterana, Crambus pascuella.