On the other hand if duck is your thing then there was a big increase in numbers with migrating parties of Teal, Pochard, Gadwall and Wigeon resting between hensborough bank and valve tower. The duck count was 68 Wigeon, 145 Teal, 59 Pochard, 28 Gadwall with female Pintail and 9 Goldeneye (at least 3 male) dotted amongst them and of course the Lesser Scaup.
I tried my luck in the country park as the low cloud lifted but nothing was moving so when JJ and Alfie arrived it was time for coffee and bacon butty with a side order of adult Yellow-legged Gull sitting on the pontoon buoy waiting to be snapped before we went to hensborough bank to look at the duck. Unfortunately just as we arrived they become jittery with the start of the sailing and were on the move but we did manage to find at least 9 Pintail just as Dave & Rich joined us and a different adult Yellow-legged Gull.
After we split I took a look at toft bay just before leaving and the Lesser Scaup was among the tufted flock and at least 4 Pintail while Dave & Rich were photographing one on the other side of the reservoir.

Pintail female by Dave Hutton
Also seen today were male 2 Green Woodpecker, Great-spotted Woodpecker, Raven, 10 Meadow Pipits, brief view of Merlin and Kingfisher.